A Detailed Explanation of Feminism for Nigerians

What is Feminism

Feminism is a social, political, and cultural movement, a belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It aims to eliminate gender discrimination, sexism, and patriarchal norms and structures that marginalize and oppress women. Feminists fight for women’s rights and gender equality, including reproductive rights, fair wages, ending sexual harassment and assault, and much more.

Don’t get it twisted

Before you twist it, it’s not a movement to make women become like men and vice versa. Feminism targets the system not the gender! Okay maybe the gender lol. The system includes political, social, religion, educational, career sector, etc.

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New Year token for you and yours

Compliments of the season!

Not the best of the year, but it’s one of my best seasons, regardless. I was trying to write something to inspire you yet again, but I thought a video would serve same purpose.

One of the challenges I had was looking for the perfect word, the perfect posture, oh, I didn’t have a script, I just wanted it to flow. There were lots of frictions, and finally I could release this less than 3 minutes video.

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How to get rid of Chapped Lips

All day long, your skin glows, people have asked you a couple of times what your skin care routine is, you blush and stylishly wet your lips with spit, so they donโ€™t notice your lips have some similarities with the bark of a tree โ€“ all dry.

Cheilitis, or chapped lips, is a common and irritating condition, your lips are dry, cracked or sore. Lip skin is significantly thinner and more sensitive than skin found elsewhere on the body. The sun and cold, dry air also expose the lips, making them prone to dryness, cracking, flaking, and peeling.

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I’m back! What should you expect next?

Picture captured on January 1st, 2021

I stopped by my blog tonight, and I discovered it’s been 3 months since I last posted something – what a bummer!

If I start to think of what to put out right now, I’d be stuck till the next weekend. I have decided to just let the wave of my ink carry me beneath and beyond, how about that?

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Giveaway Wisdom

I thought it was best if I let breeze blow a little on my newest release – Under the Sun, before I continue with my blog posts. I’m not quite sure if enough breeze has blown, but there is no harm in enjoying the breeze, while we sing soft blues in the background – the India way ๐Ÿ˜.

Just before I get carried away with this article, I want to appreciate everyone that has read my book, shared it, and gave feedbacks. Y’all made it worth the while. Thank you!

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Download Under the Sun, by Precious Deji-Omolere

Described by readers as one of the realest, hilarious, and relatable piece written. Precious Deji-Omolere, in her experience as a National Youth Service Corp, put together true events that didn’t only serve as a wake-up call to all and sundry, but also a comic relief to many that love to learn and laugh.

Let’s cut to the chase, click the button below, to read the book that talks about my Service Year experience.

You’re my Onions – Lori Iro

One of the best videos you’d see on the internet, trending for about two days now, is an Evangelist, who went about preaching, somewhere in Ogun State. The centre of his message was pivoted on lies, that is, he preached against lies. How he went about it was both amusing and touching. For me, I’d say, message received.

Let me run you through the lyrics and then you’d play the embedded video below. You have most likely seen it, but I’ve not been tired of playing this video, over and over again, especially the part where he start to sound the bell in a melodious rhythm, danced to it and sang along ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ’ƒ . Are you sure I won’t turn this to my Phone Ringing Tone ๐Ÿค”?

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The Citation Movie Review: say no to sexual assault

I was just few minutes into the Citation movie, I got intrigued by the graphics, the transition in between scenes, the representation of the African culture, the meaningful dialogues, the casts, and the systematic unfolding of the story, it all summed up into a perfect artistic piece. I was forced to pause in between, and ask Google if it was still Kunle Afolayan that wrote it. It was him! What was I expecting ๐Ÿ˜‚? He has a good track record in telling true African stories.

Continue reading “The Citation Movie Review: say no to sexual assault”

On Crocodile Tears and Crying

Five months ago, I carried a cute baby girl in my arms, she started bullying me with her crocodile tears – no teary water at all, just raising her voice putting out weeen, ween sound ๐Ÿ˜ฉ. I gave her back to her mum, and she started smiling in her mother’s cuddle, while looking at me๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿคฆ, really? Well, I’m sure I wasn’t a bully when I was a cute little baby ๐Ÿฅฐ. My mum said I was a friendly cute little baby ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜. E shock you๐Ÿคฃ?

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Wow! You’re here? Please take a seat ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ˜„

Thanks for visiting. This blog is dedicated to you and yours ๐Ÿ˜Š. Each time you find yourself here, you give me the adrenaline to keep running, thriving and trying. I’m glad you trust me enough to want to hear me out.

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The Train Movie Review by Precious Deji-Omolere

I’ll be be glad if this review gets to the Mike-Bamiloyes. I’m doing this review out of love, commendation and recommendation for this great movie “The Train.”

I watched the movie very early in the morning. My sister, who is a die-hard fan of Mount Zion and the Bamiloye family stayed up in the night to download the movie, she shared with me and I began to watch.

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Cash Crash (Short Story by Precious Deji-Omolere)

Ada lay on the bed, staring at the fan slicing through the air; the speed slowed down and she felt fresh air was withdrawn from the room. Her eyes rolled to the side socket, the red light was off. The cloud turned ash with the 1pm sunshine on a standby. Her mind went to the clothes she thought she washed, then remembered it was interrupted by the disturbing call from her boss. Ope, her cousin who came visiting for two weeks before the President declared lockdown in Abuja.

Continue reading “Cash Crash (Short Story by Precious Deji-Omolere)”

How to make the most of the lockdown in a very special way

I was in the room that night reading about the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, how it was spreading from country to country. As at then, it had not spread to Nigeria. But I felt like a virus that doesn’t respect developed countries would do same to developing countries unless we make a serious move, which is the least any country could do.

Just like me, there are several others that found the lockdown shocking, the shocking part is having to stay home for this long. I thought in two weeks, the US should have been able to find a solution to it, but here we are, all the countries of the world are trying so hard to fight it.

Continue reading “How to make the most of the lockdown in a very special way”